Class EV3 is the base class of ev3_dc. The constructor of EV3 establishes a connection between your computer and your EV3 brick. Its properties allow to get some information about the EV3’s state. A few of them allow to change its behaviour. But the power of this class comes from its methods send_direct_cmd() and send_system_cmd() which send bytestrings to your EV3 brick. If these bytestrings are well formed, your EV3 brick will understand and execute their operations. If a bytestring requests it, the EV3 brick answers with another bytestring, which contains the return data. For using these methods, you need to know the details of direct and system commands.

To establish a connection is a requirement for using class EV3. This is, what the next section deals with.

Connect with the EV3 device

We test all three connection protocols, which the EV3 device provides. If you don’t own a WiFi dongle, you still can use USB and Bluetooth.


In the background python modules often use programs, written in C. This means: the module is a thin python layer, which calls a compiled library, often named backend. In case of USB devices, there exists a number of different backends, e.g. libusb0.1, libusb1.0, OpenUSB.

For the installation process of the software, this says: You have to install some python code, which automatically has been done, when module ev3_dc was installed. But when ev3_dc tries to connect via USB, it needs to load a backend and it may happen, that it does not find any.

Let’s look at the preparation steps.


On my Ubuntu system, I first installed backend libusb1.0 with this terminal command:

sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0

Second I made shure to have the permission to connect the EV3 device. I added this udev rule (as file /etc/udev/rules.d/90-legoev3.rules):


This gives all members of group christoph (me allone) read and write permissions to product 0005 (EV3 devices) of vendor 0694 (LEGO group).

Reboot the system or alternatively run this terminal command:

sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger

Windows 10

Download libusb1.0 from the libusb project (I additionally had to install program 7 zip).

Copy file libusb-1.0.dll from libusb-1.0.xy.7z\MinGW64\dll\ into directory C:\Windows\System32.

Follow this instruction and replace Xin-Mo Programmer by EV3 (when I did it, I clicked the Install Now button in the Inf-Wizard and it was successfully installing).


In case of MacOS, ev3_dc imports and uses module hidapi (whereas on Linux or Windows systems it imports module pyusb). As far as I know, the connection works out of the box (I don’t own a Mac).

Test USB

Take an USB cable and connect your EV3 device (the 2.0 Mini-B port, titled PC) with your computer. Then run this program.

import ev3_dc as ev3

with ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.USB) as my_robot:

If everything is o.k., you will see an output like:

USB connected EV3 00:16:53:42:2B:99 (Hugo)

It needs a communication between the program and the EV3 device to know my EV3’s name (Hugo) and its MAC-address (00:16:53:42:2B:99). The MAC-address also is known as serial number or pysical address and you can read it from your EV3’s display under Brick Info / ID. Therefore the result documents, the connection was successfully established.


On Windows systems, Bluetooth works from Python 3.9 upwards. This says: your operating system can’t be Windows 7 or earlier. Maybe you need to install a newer python3 version. This can be done from Python Releases for Windows.

On Linux systems, Bluetooth AutoEnable needs to be deactivated. I (my computer has an Ubuntu 20.10 operating system) had to comment out the last line in file /etc/bluetooth/main.conf (which needs superuser access rights):

# AutoEnable defines option to enable all controllers when they are found.
# This includes adapters present on start as well as adapters that are plugged
# in later on. Defaults to 'false'.
# AutoEnable=true

Couple (only steps 1 - 12) your computer and your EV3 device via Bluetooth and call the EV3 constructor with protocol=ev3.BLUETOOTH. This says: replace MAC-address 00:16:53:42:2B:99 with the one of your EV3, then run this program:

import ev3_dc as ev3

with ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.BLUETOOTH, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99') as my_robot:

My output was:

Bluetooth connected EV3 00:16:53:42:2B:99 (Hugo)

Hopefully, you will see something similar. If so, your Bluetooth connection works.


If you own a WiFi dongle, you can connect (only steps 1 - 12) your EV3 device via WiFi with your local network. If your computer also is connected (either via WiFi or via Ethernet), they can communicate. If these conditions are fulfilled, you can call the EV3 constructor with protocol=ev3.WIFI. Replace MAC-address 00:16:53:42:2B:99 with the one of your EV3, then start this program:

import ev3_dc as ev3

with ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.WIFI, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99') as my_robot:

As you may have expected, my program’s output was:

WiFi connected EV3 00:16:53:42:2B:99 (Hugo)

I hope you can connect at least one protocol, if it’s really only one and this is USB, you have no wireless connection, which is a restriction. If you have more than one option, you are lucky. USB is fast connected and fast in data transfer. When you start your EV3 device, USB is ready without any coupling. I prefer it for developing.

EV3’s properties

The properties of class EV3 provide easy access to the state of the EV3 device. They e.g. describe the battery status, the free memory space or the connected sensors and motors. I will present some short programs to show their usage.

A few of the properties also allow to change the state of the EV3 device, you can e.g. easily change the sound volume or the EV3’s name.


Property name allows to read and change the name of the EV3 device. This is the one, you see in the first line of your EV3’s display, which you can change under menu item Brick Name. Replace MAC-address 00:16:53:42:2B:99 with the one of your EV3 device and select the protocol you prefer, then start this program:

import ev3_dc as ev3

with ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.BLUETOOTH, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99') as my_ev3:
    print('This is', my_ev3.name)

My program’s output was:

This is Hugo

Now let’s change the name of the EV3 device with this program:

import ev3_dc as ev3

with ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.BLUETOOTH, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99') as my_ev3:
    my_ev3.name = 'Evelyn'

Control your EV3’s display, if the name really did change.


Property sleep allows to read and change the timespan (in minutes), the EV3 waits in idle state before it automatically shuts down. You can change this timespan under menu item Sleep. Your display allows the following values: 2 min., 5 min., 10 min., 30 min., 60 min. and never.

Replace MAC-address 00:16:53:42:2B:99 with the one of your EV3 device and select the protocol you prefer, then start this program:

import ev3_dc as ev3

with ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.BLUETOOTH, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99') as my_ev3:
    print(f'Currently sleep is set to {my_ev3.sleep} min.')

My program’s output was:

Currently sleep is set to 30 min.

We change the sleeping time of the EV3 device with this program:

import ev3_dc as ev3

with ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.BLUETOOTH, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99') as my_ev3:
    my_ev3.sleep = 12

Your EV3 device accepts all values from 0 to 120, but your EV3’s display will not present them correctly and is blocked for any further changes of the sleeping time. Therefore change it once again to one of the above mentioned values (never is value 0).


Property volume allows to read and change the sound volume. You can also change the sound volume under menu item Volume. Your display allows the following values: 0 %, 10 %, 20 %, …, 100 %.

Replace MAC-address 00:16:53:42:2B:99 with the one of your EV3 device and select the protocol you prefer, then start this program:

import ev3_dc as ev3

with ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.BLUETOOTH, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99') as my_ev3:
    print(f'Currently the sound volume is set to {my_ev3.volume} %')

My program’s output was:

Currently the sound volume is set to 10 %.

We change the sound volume of the EV3 device with this program:

import ev3_dc as ev3

with ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.BLUETOOTH, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99') as my_ev3:
    my_ev3.volume = 18

Your EV3 device accepts all values from 0 to 100, but your EV3’s display will not present all of them correctly and will be partly blocked. Therefore change it once again to one of the above mentioned values.


Property battery allows to get informations about the EV3’s battery state. You get its voltage, its current and its state of charge.

Replace MAC-address 00:16:53:42:2B:99 with the one of your EV3 device, select the protocol you prefer, then start this program:

import ev3_dc as ev3

with ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.BLUETOOTH, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99') as my_ev3:

My program’s output was:

Battery(voltage=7.123220920562744, current=0.19781701266765594, percentage=5)

The voltage is in Volt, the current in Ampère. You can also access the single values:

import ev3_dc as ev3

with ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.BLUETOOTH, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99') as my_ev3:
    bat = my_ev3.battery
    print(f'the power consumption is {bat.voltage * bat.current:4.2f} Watt')

Don’t code {my_ev3.battery.voltage * my_ev3.battery.current:4.2f}, this would result in two request-reply-cycles, because the battery state is requested again whenever you reference property battery.

My program’s output was:

the power consumption is 1.44 Watt

Maybe you like to recalculate the power consumption, when some motors are running. The value above is without motor movement and is typical for ARM architecture computers.


Property sensors informs about the sensor types (motors also are sensors), which are connected to the EV3 brick.

Replace MAC-address 00:16:53:42:2B:99 with the one of your EV3 device, select the protocol you prefer, then start this program:

import ev3_dc as ev3

with ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.USB, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99') as my_ev3:

My program’s output was:

Sensors(Port_1=16, Port_2=33, Port_3=5, Port_4=1, Port_A=7, Port_B=8, Port_C=None, Port_D=7)

Read chapter 5 Device type list of document EV3 Firmware Developer Kit, which lists the EV3 sensors. Each sensor is identified by an integer number:

  • NXT_TOUCH = 1
  • NXT_LIGHT = 2
  • NXT_SOUND = 3
  • NXT_COLOR = 4
  • EV3_TOUCH = 16
  • EV3_COLOR = 29
  • EV3_GYRO = 32
  • EV3_IR = 33

Your EV3 brick names its sensor ports by numbers 1 to 4 and its motor ports by characters A to D.


Property sensors_as_dict provides the same information as property sensors but presents it in a form, which supports automatic handling.

Replace MAC-address 00:16:53:42:2B:99 with the one of your EV3 device, select the protocol you prefer, then start this program:

import ev3_dc as ev3

with ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.USB, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99') as my_ev3:
    sensors = my_ev3.sensors_as_dict

    assert sensors[ev3.PORT_1] == ev3.EV3_TOUCH, \
      'no EV3 touch connected at port 1'
    assert sensors[ev3.PORT_2] == ev3.EV3_IR, \
      'no EV3 infrared connected at port 2'
    assert sensors[ev3.PORT_3] == ev3.NXT_ULTRASONIC, \
      'no NXT ultrasonic connected at port 3'
    assert sensors[ev3.PORT_4] == ev3.NXT_TOUCH, \
      'no NXT touch connected at port 4'
    assert sensors[ev3.PORT_A_SENSOR] == ev3.EV3_LARGE_MOTOR, \
      'no large motor connected at port A'
    assert sensors[ev3.PORT_B_SENSOR] == ev3.EV3_MEDIUM_MOTOR, \
      'no medium motor connected at port B'
    assert sensors[ev3.PORT_D_SENSOR] == ev3.EV3_LARGE_MOTOR, \
      'no large motor connected at port D'

    print('everything is as expected')

Some remarks:

  • Adapt this program to your connected sensor combination.
  • Using constants for the ports and sensors helps for readability.
  • Motors can be addressed as sensors or as motors, this is why we use two different constants for the sensor context and the movement context. If you use a motor as sensor, address it by e.g. constant PORT_A_SENSOR.


Property system tells some informations about the EV3’s operating system version, firmware version and hardware version. Operating system and firmware additionally know their build numbers.

Replace MAC-address 00:16:53:42:2B:99 with the one of your EV3 device, select the protocol you prefer, then start this program:

import ev3_dc as ev3

with ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.BLUETOOTH, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99') as my_ev3:

My program’s output was:

System(os_version='Linux 2.6.33-rc', os_build='1212131117', fw_version='V1.09H', fw_build='1512030906', hw_version='V0.60')

The operating system is Linux, which runs a lot of devices like smart TVs, routers, etc. On my EV3 device, the Linux version is 2, the major revision is 6, the minor revision is 33 and it’s a release candidate. This says, it stems from a time before 24 February 2010. If you need it more precisely, you also get the build number of the operating system version.

The firmware is the software, which LEGO® developped, it allows to e.g. control the display, communicate with sensors and motors or run programs. My EV3 has been updated to version V1.09H and its hardware version is V0.60.


Property network allows to get informations about the WiFi connection of the EV3 device. Therefore it only works if the connection protocol is WIFI.

Replace MAC-address 00:16:53:42:2B:99 with the one of your EV3 device, connect your EV3 device via WiFi with your local network, then start this program:

import ev3_dc as ev3

with ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.WIFI, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99') as my_ev3:

My program’s output was:

Network(name='NetOfTheSix', ip_adr='', mac_adr='44:49:94:4F:FC:C2')

This says:

  • The name of the WiFi network is NetOfTheSix, which must operate on 2.4 GHz (the EV3 device does not support 5 GHz WiFi).
  • In this network, my EV3 device got the IPv4 address
  • My WiFi dongle (this is the device, which connects to the network) has the mac-address 44:49:94:4F:FC:C2, which is different from the mac-address of the EV3 device.

If you prefer to access the single values directly, then do:

import ev3_dc as ev3

with ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.WIFI, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99') as my_ev3:
    print(f'name of the network:        {my_ev3.network.name}')
    print(f'ip_adr of the EV3 device:   {my_ev3.network.ip_adr}')
    print(f'mac_adr of the WiFi dongle: {my_ev3.network.mac_adr}')

This program’s output was:

name of the network:        NetOfTheSix
ip_adr of the EV3 device:
mac_adr of the WiFi dongle: 44:49:94:4F:FC:C2


Property memory informs about EV3’s memory space.

Replace MAC-address 00:16:53:42:2B:99 with the one of your EV3 device, select the protocol you prefer, then start this program:

import ev3_dc as ev3

with ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.USB, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99') as my_ev3:
    print(f'{my_ev3.memory.free} of {my_ev3.memory.total} kB memory are free')

My program’s output was:

4572 of 6000 kB memory are free

This says, 6 MB is the total user memory space of my EV3 device, which seems to be small, but is large enough for the things I really do on this device.


Property protocol tells the protocol type of the EV3’s connection. This sounds weird because we explicitly set it, when we create an EV3 instance and we can’t change it. But think of the situation, when you call a function or method, which you did not code and it returns an EV3 instance. Maybe you want to know, how this instance is connected.

Replace MAC-address 00:16:53:42:2B:99 with the one of your EV3 device, select the protocol you prefer, then start this program:

import ev3_dc as ev3

with ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.USB, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99') as my_ev3:
    print(f'this EV3 device is connected via {my_ev3.protocol}')

This program’s output:

this EV3 device is connected via USB


Property host tells the MAC-address of the EV3 device. As above this is thought for EV3 instances, you got from somewhere.

Replace MAC-address 00:16:53:42:2B:99 with the one of your EV3 device, select the protocol you prefer, then start this program:

import ev3_dc as ev3

with ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.USB, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99') as my_ev3:
    print(f'{my_ev3.host} is the MAC-address of this EV3 device')

This program’s output:

00:16:53:42:2B:99 is the MAC-address of this EV3 device


Setting property verbosity to a value greater than zero allows to see the communication data between the program and the connected EV3 device.

Replace MAC-address 00:16:53:42:2B:99 with the one of your EV3 device, select the protocol you prefer, then start this program:

import ev3_dc as ev3

with ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.USB, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99') as my_ev3:
    my_ev3.verbosity = 1
    bat = my_ev3.battery

This program’s output:

19:45:30.891798 Sent 0x|0E:00|2A:00|00|09:00|81:01:60:81:02:64:81:12:68|
19:45:30.898732 Recv 0x|0C:00|2A:00|02|7C:03:F1:40:40:07:3B:3E:64|

Some remarks:

  • Referencing the battery property by bat = my_ev3.battery initiates a request-response-cycle which asks for the current state of the battery and gets some data back.
  • Easy to understand are the timestamps. Between the request and the response lies a timespan of 7 ms.
  • The request and response themselves are quite cryptic! If you want to understand them, read section Direct commands


Property sync_mode has a very special meaning for direct commands. It influences the way, how requests are handled. If its value is SYNC, then all requests will be answered and the calling program will always wait until the response did arrive, even if the direct command does not return any data. If its value is ASYNC, then method send_direct_cmd() never will wait until a response comes back. Instead it will return the message counter and it is the responsibility of the programmer to call method wait_for_reply(). This allows to continue with processing until the response is needed and then wait and get it. The third value STD will only wait for replies, if the direct command returns data.

Replace MAC-address 00:16:53:42:2B:99 with the one of your EV3 device, select the protocol you prefer, then start this program:

import ev3_dc as ev3

with ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.USB, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99') as my_ev3:
    print(f"protocol USB's default sync_mode is {my_ev3.sync_mode}")
    my_ev3.name = 'Evelyn'
    my_ev3.verbosity = 1
    my_ev3.name = 'Hugo'

This program’s output:

protocol USB's default sync_mode is SYNC
19:28:11.184508 Sent 0x|0D:00|2B:00|00|00:00|D4:08:84:48:75:67:6F:00|
19:28:11.193370 Recv 0x|03:00|2B:00|02|

Protocol USB is that fast, that sometimes the EV3 device is not able to handle all direct commands correctly. sync_mode = SYNC guaranties, that each direct command has finished, before the next one is sent. Therefore protol USB’s default snc_mode is SYNC.

The direct command, which changes EV3’s name does not reply anything, but our program had to wait about 9 ms until the response did arrive.

sync_mode SYNC’s 2nd advantage is, that errors can’t occur silently. Every direct command replies and every reply contains the return code of the direct command.

Now let’s change the program and explicitly set sync_mode = STD:

import ev3_dc as ev3

with ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.USB, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99') as my_ev3:
    print(f"protocol USB's default sync_mode is {my_ev3.sync_mode}")
    my_ev3.name = 'Evelyn'
    my_ev3.sync_mode = ev3.STD
    my_ev3.verbosity = 1
    my_ev3.name = 'Hugo'

This program’s output:

protocol USB's default sync_mode is SYNC
19:34:35.935427 Sent 0x|0D:00|2B:00|80|00:00|D4:08:84:48:75:67:6F:00|

With sync_mode = STD, the EV3 device does not reply this direct command.

Direct commands

Document EV3 Firmware Developer Kit is the reference book of LEGO EV3 direct commands and will help you to understand the details.

The art of doing nothing

We send the idle operation of the EV3 device to test the communication speed.

Replace MAC-address 00:16:53:42:2B:99 with the one of your EV3 device, then run this program:

import ev3_dc as ev3

with ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.USB, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99') as my_ev3:
    my_ev3.verbosity = 1
    my_ev3.sync_mode = ev3.SYNC
    ops = ev3.opNop

If everything is o.k., you will see an output like:

20:09:32.162156 Sent 0x|06:00|2A:00|00|00:00|01|
20:09:32.168082 Recv 0x|03:00|2A:00|02|

Some remarks:

  • Both lines start with a timestamp. A bit shorter than 6 ms was the timespan of this request-reply-cycle.

  • The first line shows the sent data in a binary format. We separate bytes by colons “:” or vertical bars “|”. Vertical bars separate these groups of bytes:

    • Length of the message (bytes 0, 1): The first two bytes are not part of the direct command itself. They are part of the communication protocol. The length is coded as a 2-byte unsigned integer in little endian format, 0x|06:00| therefore stands for the value 6.

    • Message counter (bytes 2, 3): This is the footprint of the direct command. The message counter will be included in the corresponding reply and allows to match the direct command and its reply. This too is a 2-byte unsigned integer in little endian format. The EV3 class starts counting with 0x|2A:00|, which is the value 42.

    • Message type (byte 4): For direct commands it may have the following two values:

      • DIRECT_COMMAND_REPLY = 0x|00|
      • DIRECT_COMMAND_NO_REPLY = 0x|80|

      In our case we did set sync_mode=SYNC, which means: we want the EV3 to reply all messages.

    • Header (bytes 5, 6): These two bytes, the last in front of the first operation are the header. It includes a combination of two numbers, which define the memory sizes of the direct command (yes, its plural, there are two memories, a local and a global one). Our command does not need any memory, therefore the header was set to 0x|00:00|.

    • Operations (starting at byte 7): Here one single byte, that stands for: opNOP = 0x|01|, do nothing, the idle operation of the EV3.

  • The second line shows the received data:

    • Length of the message (bytes 0, 1), here 3 bytes.
    • Message counter (bytes 2, 3): This fits the message counter of the corresponding request.
    • Return status (byte 4): For direct commands it may have the following two values:
      • DIRECT_REPLY = 0x|02|: the direct command was successfully operated.
      • DIRECT_REPLY_ERROR = 0x|04|: the direct command ended with an error.

If we had set the global memory to a value larger than 0 (e.g. calling send_direct_cmd() with a keyword argument global_mem=1, we would have seen some additional data after the return status.

Replace the protocol by ev3.WIFI and ev3.BLUETOOTH and start the program again. The time gaps between request and reply will show the communication speeds. USB is the fastest, then comes WIFI, BLUETOOTH is the slowest. Compared with human communication, all three of them are quite fast.

Tell your EV3 what to do

Direct commands allow to send instructions with arguments.

Changing LED colors

There are some light effects on the EV3 brick. You can change the colors of the LEDs and this is done by operation opUI_Write with CMD LED.

opUI_Write = 0x|82| with CMD LED = 0x|1B| needs one argument:

  • PATTERN: GREEN = 0x|01|, RED = 0x|02|, etc.

Take an USB cable and connect your EV3 brick with your computer. Replace the MAC-address by the one of your EV3 brick, then start the program.

import ev3_dc as ev3
from time import sleep

my_ev3 = ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.USB, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99')
my_ev3.verbosity = 1

ops = b''.join((
    ev3.opUI_Write,  # operation
    ev3.LED,  # CMD

ops = b''.join((

This program sends two direct commands with a timespan of 5 sec. between them. The first one changes the LED color to a red flashing, the second sets the well known green color.

The output:

10:43:38.601015 Sent 0x|08:00|2A:00|00|00:00|82:1B:05|
10:43:38.616028 Recv 0x|03:00|2A:00|02|
10:43:43.620023 Sent 0x|08:00|2B:00|00|00:00|82:1B:01|
10:43:43.630105 Recv 0x|03:00|2B:00|02|

Some remarks:

  • The default sync_mode of the USB protocol is SYNC. This is why both direct commands were replied.
  • EV3 increments the message counter. The first command got 0x|2A:00|, which is the value 42, the second command got 0x|2B:00| (value 43).
  • 0x|82| is the bytecode of operation opUI_Write.
  • 0x|1B| is the bytecode of CMD LED.
  • 0x|05| is the bytecode of LED_RED_FLASH.
  • 0x|01| is the bytecode of LED_GREEN.

If we replace protocol=ev3.USB by protocol=ev3.BLUETOOTH, we get this output:

10:44:47.266688 Sent 0x|08:00|2A:00|80|00:00|82:1B:05|
10:44:52.272881 Sent 0x|08:00|2B:00|80|00:00|82:1B:01|

The message type changed from 0x|00| (DIRECT_COMMAND_REPLY) to 0x|80| (DIRECT_COMMAND_NO_REPLY) and the EV3 brick indeed did not reply. This happens because protocol BLUETOOTH defaults to sync_mode STD.

Setting EV3’s brickname

You can change the name of your EV3 brick by sending a direct command.

opCom_Set = 0x|D4| with CMD SET_BRICKNAME = 0x|08| needs one argument:

  • NAME: (DATA8) – First character in character string

Some more explanations of argument NAME will follow. The text above is, what the LEGO documentation says.

The program:

import ev3_dc as ev3

my_ev3 = ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.WIFI, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99')
my_ev3.verbosity = 1

ops = b''.join((
    ev3.opCom_Set,  # operation
    ev3.LCS("myEV3")  # NAME

Direct commands are built as byte strings. Multiple operations can be concatenated. Here a single operation is sent. The combination of operation opCom_Set and CMD SET_BRICKNAME sets the brickname. This command needs a single string argument and does not produce any output. We let sync_mode be STD, which omits replies if the global memory (space for return data) is unused.

The output of the program:

10:49:13.012039 Sent 0x|0E:00|2A:00|80|00:00|D4:08:84:6D:79:45:56:33:00|

Some remarks:

  • 0x|D4| is the bytecode of operation opCom_Set.
  • 0X|08| is the bytecode of CMD SET_BRICKNAME.
  • 0x|84| is the bytecode of the leading identification byte of LCS() character strings (in binary notation, it is: 0b 1000 0100). If any argument is a string, it will be sent as an LCS, which says a leading and a trailing byte must be added.
  • 0x|6D:79:45:56:33| is the ascii bytecode of the string myEV3.
  • 0x|00| terminates LCS character strings.

Maybe you’re not familiar with this vocabulary. Document EV3 Firmware Developer Kit will help you. Read the details about the leading identification byte in section 3.4 Parameter encoding.

Starting programs

Direct commands allow to start programs, which normally is done by pressing buttons of the EV3 device. A program is a file, that exists in the filesystem of the EV3. We will start /home/root/lms2012/apps/Motor Control/Motor Control.rbf. This needs two operations:

import ev3_dc as ev3

my_ev3 = ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.BLUETOOTH, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99')

ops = b''.join((
    ev3.LCX(1),  # SLOT
    ev3.LCS('../apps/Motor Control/Motor Control.rbf'),  # NAME
    ev3.LVX(0),  # SIZE
    ev3.LVX(4),  # IP*
    ev3.LCX(1),  # SLOT
    ev3.LVX(0),  # SIZE
    ev3.LVX(4),  # IP*
    ev3.LCX(0)  # DEBUG
my_ev3.send_direct_cmd(ops, local_mem=8)

The first operation is the loader. It places a program into memory and prepares it for execution. The second operation starts the program. The return values of the first operation are SIZE and IP*. We use LVX() to write them to the local memory at addresses 0 and 4. The second operation reads its arguments SIZE and IP* from the local memory. It’s arguments SLOT and DEBUG are given as constant values.

Paths can be absolute or relative. Relative paths, like the above one, are relative to /home/root/lms2012/sys/. We don’t set verbosity and the command does not use any global memory, therefore it sends the direct command and ends silently. But the display of the EV3 device will show, that the program has been started.

Playing Sound Files

Take an USB cable and connect your EV3 brick with your computer. Replace the MAC-address by the one of your EV3 brick, then start the program.

import ev3_dc as ev3

my_ev3 = ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.USB, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99')
my_ev3.verbosity = 1

ops = b''.join((
    ev3.opSound,  # operation
    ev3.PLAY,  # CMD
    ev3.LCX(100),  # VOLUME
    ev3.LCS('./ui/DownloadSucces')  # NAME

The output:

10:20:05.004355 Sent 0x|1E:00|2A:00|00|00:00|94:02:81:64:84:2E:2F:75:69:2F:44:6F:77:6E:6C:6F:61:64:53:75:63:63:65:73:00|
10:20:05.022584 Recv 0x|03:00|2A:00|02|

opSound with CMD PLAY needs two arguments:

  • volume in percent as an integer value [0 - 100]
  • name of the sound file (without extension “.rsf”) as absolute path, or relative to /home/root/lms2012/sys/

The default sync_mode of the USB protocol is SYNC. This is why the direct command was replied.

Playing Sound Files repeatedly

As above, take an USB cable, connect your EV3 brick with your computer and replace MAC-address by the one of your EV3 brick, then start this program.

import ev3_dc as ev3
import time

my_ev3 = ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.USB, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99')
my_ev3.verbosity = 1

ops = b''.join((
    ev3.opSound,  # operation
    ev3.REPEAT,  # CMD
    ev3.LCX(100),  # VOLUME
    ev3.LCS('./ui/DownloadSucces')  # NAME

ops = b''.join((

This program sends two direct commands with a timespan of 5 sec. between them. The first one starts the repeated playing of a sound file, the second stops the playing.

The output:

10:26:20.466604 Sent 0x|1E:00|2A:00|00|00:00|94:03:81:64:84:2E:2F:75:69:2F:44:6F:77:6E:6C:6F:61:64:53:75:63:63:65:73:00|
10:26:20.481941 Recv 0x|03:00|2A:00|02|
10:26:25.487598 Sent 0x|07:00|2B:00|00|00:00|94:00|
10:26:25.500652 Recv 0x|03:00|2B:00|02|

EV3 increments the message counter. The first command got 0x|2A:00|, which is the value 42, the second command got 0x|2B:00| (value 43).

Playing Tones

We send a direct command, that plays a flourish in c, which consists of four tones:

  • c’ (262 Hz)
  • e’ (330 Hz)
  • g’ (392 Hz)
  • c’’ (523 Hz)
import ev3_dc as ev3

my_ev3 = ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.USB, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99')

ops = b''.join((
    ev3.opSound,  # operation
    ev3.TONE,  # CMD
    ev3.LCX(1),  # volume
    ev3.LCX(262),  # frequency
    ev3.LCX(1000),  # duration
    ev3.opSound_Ready,  # operation

The single direct command consists of 7 operations. opSound_Ready prevents interruption. Without it, only the last tone could be heard. The duration is in milliseconds.

Drawing and Timers

Contolling time is an important aspect in real time programs. We have seen how to wait until a tone ended and we waited in the python program until we stopped the repeated playing of a sound file. The operation set of the EV3 includes timer operations which allow to wait in the execution of a direct command. This needs the following two operations:

opTimer_Wait = 0x|85| with two arguments:

  • (Data32) TIME: Time to wait (in milliseconds)
  • (Data32) TIMER: Variable used for timing

This operation writes a 4-bytes timestamp into the local or global memory.

opTimer_Ready = 0x|86| with one argument:

  • (Data32) TIMER: Variable used for timing

This operation reads a timestamp and waits until the actual time reaches the value of this timestamp.

We test the timer operations with a program that draws a triangle. This needs operation opUI_Draw with CMD LINE three times.

opUI_Draw = 0x|84| with CMD LINE = 0x|03| and the arguments:

  • (Data8) COLOR: Specify either black or white, [0: White, 1: Black]
  • (Data16) X0: Specify X start point, [0 - 177]
  • (Data16) Y0: Specify Y start point, [0 - 127]
  • (Data16) X1: Specify X end point
  • (Data16) Y1: Specify Y end point

The program:

import ev3_dc as ev3

my_ev3 = ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.USB, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99')

ops = b''.join((
    ev3.LCX(0),  # ENABLE
    ev3.LCX(0),  # COLOR
    ev3.LCX(0),  # Y0
    ev3.LCX(0),  # Y1
    ev3.LCX(1),  # COLOR
    ev3.LCX(2),  # X0
    ev3.LCX(125),  # Y0
    ev3.LCX(88),  # X1
    ev3.LCX(2),  # Y1
    ev3.LCX(1),  # COLOR
    ev3.LCX(88),  # X0
    ev3.LCX(2),  # Y0
    ev3.LCX(175),  # X1
    ev3.LCX(125),  # Y1
    ev3.LCX(1),  # COLOR
    ev3.LCX(175),  # X0
    ev3.LCX(125),  # Y0
    ev3.LCX(2),  # X1
    ev3.LCX(125),  # Y1
my_ev3.send_direct_cmd(ops, local_mem=4)

This program cleans the display, then waits for two seconds, draws a line, waits for one second, draws another line, waits and finally draws a third line. It needs 4 bytes of local memory, which are multiple times written and red. opTimer_Wait writes a timestamp to local memory address 0 and opTimer_Ready reads it from local memory address 0.

Obviously the timing can be done in the local program or in the direct command. We change the program:

import ev3_dc as ev3
from time import sleep

my_ev3 = ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.USB, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99')

ops = b''.join((
    ev3.LCX(0),  # ENABLE
    ev3.LCX(0),  # COLOR
    ev3.LCX(0),  # Y0
    ev3.LCX(0),  # Y1

ops = b''.join((
    ev3.LCX(1),  # COLOR
    ev3.LCX(2),  # X0
    ev3.LCX(125),  # Y0
    ev3.LCX(88),  # X1
    ev3.LCX(2),  # Y1

ops = b''.join((
    ev3.LCX(1),  # COLOR
    ev3.LCX(88),  # X0
    ev3.LCX(2),  # Y0
    ev3.LCX(175),  # X1
    ev3.LCX(125),  # Y1

ops = b''.join((
    ev3.LCX(1),  # COLOR
    ev3.LCX(175),  # X0
    ev3.LCX(125),  # Y0
    ev3.LCX(2),  # X1
    ev3.LCX(125),  # Y1

Both alternatives result in the same behaviour of the display but are different. The first version needs less communication but blocks the EV3 device for four seconds (until the direct command ends its execution). The second version needs four direct commands but does not block the EV3 brick. All its direct commands need a short execution time and allow to send other direct commands in between.

Simulating Button presses

In this example, we shut down the EV3 brick by simulating button presses. We use two operations:

opUI_Button = 0x|83| with CMD PRESS = 0x|05| needs one argument:

    • NO_BUTTON = 0x|00|
    • UP_BUTTON = 0x|01|
    • ENTER_BUTTON = 0x|02|
    • DOWN_BUTTON = 0x|03|
    • RIGHT_BUTTON = 0x|04|
    • LEFT_BUTTON = 0x|05|
    • BACK_BUTTON = 0x|06|
    • ANY_BUTTON = 0x|07|

opUI_Button = 0x|83| with CMD WAIT_FOR_PRESS = 0x|03| needs no argument.

To prevent interruption, we need to wait until the initiated operations are finished. This is done by the second operation.

The program:

import ev3_dc as ev3

my_ev3 = ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.USB, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99')

ops = b''.join((
    ev3.opUI_Button,  # operation
    ev3.PRESS,  # CMD
    ev3.opUI_Button,  # operation
    ev3.WAIT_FOR_PRESS,  # CMD

Reading data from EV3’s sensors

Direct commands allow to read data from your EV3 device. The most important operation for reading data is:

opInput_Device = 0x|99| with CMD READY_RAW = 0x|1C|


  • (Data8) LAYER: Specify chain layer number [0-3]
  • (Data8) NO: Port number
  • (Data8) TYPE: Specify device type (0 = Don’t change type)
  • (Data8) MODE: Device mode [0-7] (-1 = Don’t change mode)
  • (Data8) VALUES: Number of return values


  • (Data32) VALUE1: First value received from sensor in the specified mode

There are two siblings, that read data a bit different:

  • opInput_Device = 0x|99| with CMD READY_PCT = 0x|1B| reads integer data in the range [0 - 100], that must be interpreted as a percentage.
  • opInput_Device = 0x|99| with CMD READY_SI = 0x|1D| reads floating point data.

Return data can be written to the local or global memory. Use function LVX() to address the local memory and GVX() to address the global memory (e.g. GVX(0) addresses the first byte of the global memory).

Another operation, that may be important for sensors, resets the sensor at a specific port. This sets the sensor to its initial state and clears its counters.

opInput_Device = 0x|99| with CMD CLR_CHANGES = 0x|1A|


  • (Data8) LAYER: Specify chain layer number [0-3]
  • (Data8) NO: Port number


There is an operation, that asks for the type and mode of a sensor at a specified port.

opInput_Device = 0x|99| with CMD GET_TYPEMODE = 0x|05|


  • (Data8) LAYER: chain layer number
  • (Data8) NO: port number


  • (Data8) TYPE: device type
  • (Data8) MODE: device mode

Please connect some sensors to your sensor ports and some motors to your motor ports. Then connect your EV3 brick and your computer with an USB cable. Replace MAC-address by the one of your EV3 brick. The following program sends two direct commands, the first asks for the sensors, the second for the motors.

import ev3_dc as ev3
import struct

my_ev3 = ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.USB, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99')
my_ev3.verbosity = 1

def create_ops(ports: tuple, motors=False):
    if motors:
        ports = tuple(ev3.port_motor_input(port) for port in ports)
    ops = b''
    for i in range(4):
        ops += b''.join((
            ev3.opInput_Device,  # operation
            ev3.GET_TYPEMODE,  # CMD
            ev3.LCX(0),  # LAYER
            ports[i],  # NO
            ev3.GVX(2*i),  # TYPE (output)
            ev3.GVX(2*i + 1)  # MODE (output)
    return ops

def print_table(port_names: tuple, answer: tuple):
    print('port | type | mode |')
    for i in range(4):
            '   {} |'.format(
        if answer[2*i] == 126:
            print('    - |    - |')
                '  {:3d} |  {:3d} |'.format(
                    answer[2*i + 1]

# sensors
ports = (ev3.PORT_1, ev3.PORT_2, ev3.PORT_3, ev3.PORT_4)
ops = create_ops(ports)
reply = my_ev3.send_direct_cmd(ops, global_mem=8)
answer = struct.unpack('8B', reply)

print('Sensor ports:')
    ('1', '2', '3', '4'),

# motors
ports = (ev3.PORT_A, ev3.PORT_B, ev3.PORT_C, ev3.PORT_D)
ops = create_ops(ports, motors=True)
reply = my_ev3.send_direct_cmd(ops, global_mem=8)
answer = struct.unpack('8B', reply)

print('Motor ports:')
    ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D'),

Some Remarks:

  • Each operation opInput_Device with CMD GET_TYPEMODE answers with two bytes of data, one byte for the type, another for the mode.
  • It’s the python program that decides, how to place the data into the global memory. Every GVX() directs some output data to an address of the global memory.
  • reply is a byte string of 8 bytes length, answer is a tuple of 8 byte numbers.
  • struct is the tool of choice to translate binary data into python data types.
  • port_motor_input() allows to use the same motor port constants for input and output.
  • type 126 stands for no sensor connected.

The output:

09:25:12.400013 Sent 0x|1D:00|2A:00|00|08:00|99:05:00:00:60:61:99:05:00:01:62:63:99:05:00:02:64:65:99:05:00:03:66:67|
09:25:12.410124 Recv 0x|0B:00|2A:00|02|10:00:1D:00:21:00:7E:00|

Sensor ports:
port | type | mode |
   1 |   16 |    0 |
   2 |   29 |    0 |
   3 |   33 |    0 |
   4 |    - |    - |

09:25:12.411241 Sent 0x|1D:00|2B:00|00|08:00|99:05:00:10:60:61:99:05:00:11:62:63:99:05:00:12:64:65:99:05:00:13:66:67|
09:25:12.417945 Recv 0x|0B:00|2B:00|02|07:00:7E:00:08:00:07:00|

Motor ports:
port | type | mode |
   A |    7 |    0 |
   B |    - |    - |
   C |    8 |    0 |
   D |    7 |    0 |

Section 5 Device type list in EV3 Firmware Developer Kit lists the sensor types and modes of the EV3 device and helps to understand these numbers.

Touch mode of the Touch Sensor

We use operation opInput_Device to ask the touch sensor if it currently is touched. Connect your touch sensor with port 1, take an USB-cable and connect your computer with your EV3 brick, then run this program:

import ev3_dc as ev3
import struct

my_ev3 = ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.USB)
my_ev3.verbosity = 1

# touch sensor at port 1
ops = b''.join((
    ev3.opInput_Device,  # operation
    ev3.READY_SI,  # CMD
    ev3.LCX(0),  # LAYER
    ev3.PORT_1,  # NO
    ev3.LCX(16),  # TYPE (EV3-Touch)
    ev3.LCX(0),  # MODE (Touch)
    ev3.LCX(1),  # VALUES
    ev3.GVX(0)  # VALUE1 (output)
reply = my_ev3.send_direct_cmd(ops, global_mem=4)
touched = struct.unpack('<f', reply)[0]

        'The sensor is',
        ('not touched', 'touched')[int(touched)]

Some remarks:

  • The single return value of opInput_Device with CMD READY_SI is a floating point number of 4 bytes length in little endian notation.
  • With GVX(0) we write it to the global memory address 0. This says, it takes the first 4 bytes of the global memory.
  • Method send_direct_cmd() skips the leading bytes of the reply and returns the global memory only.
  • struct is the tool of choice to translate the packed binary little endian data into python data format. struct.unpack() returns a tuple, from where we pick the first (and only) item.

The output:

09:35:17.516913 Sent 0x|0D:00|2A:00|00|04:00|99:1D:00:00:10:00:01:60|
09:35:17.524934 Recv 0x|07:00|2A:00|02|00:00:80:3F|

The sensor is touched

0x|00:00:80:3F| is the little endian notation of the floating point number 1.0.

Bump mode of the Touch Sensor

The bump mode of the touch sensor counts the number of touches since the last reset. The following program resets the counter of the touch sensor, waits for five seconds, then asks about the number of touches.

If you own a WiFi dongle and both, you computer and your EV3 brick are connected to the WiFi, then you can start the following program. If not, replace the protocol by USB or by BLUETOOTH.

import ev3_dc as ev3
import struct
from time import sleep

my_ev3 = ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.WIFI)
my_ev3.verbosity = 1

# clear port 1
ops = b''.join((
    ev3.opInput_Device,  # operation
    ev3.CLR_CHANGES,  # CMD
    ev3.LCX(0),  # LAYER
    ev3.PORT_1  # NO

print('\ncounting starts now ...\n')

# touch sensor at port 1
ops = b''.join((
    ev3.opInput_Device,  # operation
    ev3.READY_SI,  # CMD
    ev3.LCX(0),  # LAYER
    ev3.PORT_1,  # NO
    ev3.LCX(16),  # TYPE (EV3-Touch)
    ev3.LCX(1),  # MODE (Bump)
    ev3.LCX(1),  # VALUES
    ev3.GVX(0)  # VALUE1 (output)
reply = my_ev3.send_direct_cmd(ops, global_mem=4)
touched = struct.unpack('<f', reply)[0]

        'The sensor was touched',

The output:

09:37:04.402440 Sent 0x|09:00|2A:00|80|00:00|99:1A:00:00|

counting starts now ...

09:37:09.418332 Sent 0x|0D:00|2B:00|00|04:00|99:1D:00:00:10:01:01:60|
09:37:09.435870 Recv 0x|07:00|2B:00|02|00:00:40:41|

The sensor was touched 12 times

If you compare the two direct commands, you will realize some differences:

  • The length is different.
  • The message counter has been incremented.
  • The message types are different, the first one is DIRECT_COMMAND_NO_REPLY, the second one is DIRECT_COMMAND_REPLY. Consequently, the first command does not get a reply. If you use protocol USB, this will change and all direct commands will be replied.
  • The header is different. The first direct command does not use any global or local memory, the second needs 4 bytes of global memory.
  • The operations are different, which is not surprising.

Measure distances

Use operation opInput_Device to read data of the infrared sensor. Connect your EV3 infrared sensor with port 3, take an USB-cable and connect your computer with your EV3 brick, then run this program:

import ev3_dc as ev3
import struct

my_ev3 = ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.USB)
my_ev3.verbosity = 1

# infrared sensor at port 3
ops = b''.join((
    ev3.LCX(0),  # LAYER
    ev3.PORT_3,  # NO
    ev3.LCX(33),  # TYPE - EV3-IR
    ev3.LCX(0),  # MODE - Proximity
    ev3.LCX(1),  # VALUES
    ev3.GVX(0)  # VALUE1
reply = my_ev3.send_direct_cmd(ops, global_mem=4)
distance = struct.unpack('<f', reply)[0]

print('\nSomething detected at a distance of {:2.0f} cm.'.format(distance))

The output:

09:45:34.223216 Sent 0x|0E:00|2A:00|00|04:00|99:1D:00:02:81:21:00:01:60|
09:45:34.229976 Recv 0x|07:00|2A:00|02|00:00:D0:41|

Something detected at a distance of 26 cm.

Seeker and Beacon

Combining the EV3 infrared sensor and the EV3 beacon identifies the position of one to four beacons. A beacon send signals on one of four channels and the infrared sensor measures its own position relative to the position the beacon.

Connect your EV3 infrared sensor with port 3, take an USB-cable and connect your computer with your EV3 brick, select a channel, place it in front of the infrared sensor, then run this program:

import ev3_dc as ev3
import struct

my_ev3 = ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.USB)
my_ev3.verbosity = 1

ops_read = b''.join((
    ev3.opInput_Device,  # operation
    ev3.READY_RAW,  # CMD
    ev3.LCX(0),  # LAYER
    ev3.PORT_3,  # NO
    ev3.LCX(33),  # TYPE - IR
    ev3.LCX(1),  # MODE - Seeker
    ev3.LCX(8),  # VALUES
    ev3.GVX(0),  # VALUE1 - heading   channel 1
    ev3.GVX(4),  # VALUE2 - proximity channel 1
    ev3.GVX(8),  # VALUE3 - heading   channel 2
    ev3.GVX(12),  # VALUE4 - proximity channel 2
    ev3.GVX(16),  # VALUE5 - heading   channel 3
    ev3.GVX(20),  # VALUE6 - proximity channel 3
    ev3.GVX(24),  # VALUE7 - heading   channel 4
    ev3.GVX(28)  # VALUE8 - proximity channel 4
reply = my_ev3.send_direct_cmd(ops_read, global_mem=32)
answer = struct.unpack('<8i', reply)

for i in range(4):
    # proximity (little endian) == 0x|00:00:00:80| means no signal
    if answer[2*i + 1] == -2147483648:

        '\nchannel: {}, heading: {}, proximity: {}'.format(
            i + 1,
            answer[2*i + 1]

Some remarks:

  • Type 33 (IR) with Mode 1 (Seeker) writes 8 data values, heading and proximity of four channels.
  • In case of CMD READY_RAW, these are 8 integer values, each of four bytes length. This needs 32 bytes of global memory.
  • struct translates the packed binary little endian data of the global memory and returns a tuple of eight integer values.
  • A proximity of 0x|00:00:00:80| (little endian, the heighest bit is 1, all others are 0) has a special meaning. It says, on this channel the infrared sensor did not receive a signal. Interpeted as a signed litlle endian integer, 0x|00:00:00:80| becomes \(- 2,147,483,648 = - 2^{31}\), the smallest of all values.
  • Using a single beacon means, three channels without signal, one channel with. Channels without signal are sorted out.

The output:

10:05:43.514714 Sent 0x|15:00|2A:00|00|20:00|99:1C:00:02:81:21:01:08:60:64:68:6C:70:74:78:7C|
10:05:44.629441 Recv 0x|23:00|2A:00|02|00:00:00:00:00:00:00:80:EB:FF:FF:FF:1B:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:80|

channel: 2, heading: -21, proximity: 27

Some remarks:

  • Heading is in the range [-25 - 25], negative values stand for the left, 0 for straight, positive for the right side.
  • Proximity is in the range [0 - 100] and measures in cm.
  • In my case, the beacon was far left, 27 cm apart and sended on channel 2.

Reading the color

We use operation opInput_Device to read data of the color sensor. Connect your color sensor with port 2, take an USB-cable and connect your computer with your EV3 brick, then run this program:

import ev3_dc as ev3
import struct

my_ev3 = ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.USB)
my_ev3.verbosity = 1

# color sensor at port 2
ops = b''.join((
    ev3.opInput_Device,  # operation
    ev3.READY_RAW,  # CMD
    ev3.LCX(0),  # LAYER
    ev3.PORT_2,  # NO
    ev3.LCX(29),  # TYPE (EV3-Color)
    ev3.LCX(2),  # MODE (Color)
    ev3.LCX(1),  # VALUES
    ev3.GVX(0)  # VALUE1 (output)
reply = my_ev3.send_direct_cmd(ops, global_mem=4)
color_nr = struct.unpack('<i', reply)[0]

color_str = (
print('\nThis color is', color_str)

The output:

09:49:32.461804 Sent 0x|0D:00|2A:00|00|04:00|99:1C:00:01:1D:02:01:60|
09:49:32.467874 Recv 0x|07:00|2A:00|02|03:00:00:00|

This color is green

There are some more color sensor modes, maybe you like to test these:

  • Mode 0 (Reflected) - switches on the red light and measures the inensity of the reflection, which is dependent from distance, color and the reflection factor of the surface.
  • Mode 1 (Ambient) - switches on the blue light (why?) and measures the intensity of the ambient light.
  • Mode 4 (RGB-Raw) - switches on red, green and blue light and measures the intensity of the reflected light.

Reading the current position of motors

If two large motors are connected with ports A and D, you can start this program:

import ev3_dc as ev3
import struct

my_ev3 = ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.BLUETOOTH, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99')

ops = b''.join((
    ev3.LCX(0),  # LAYER
    ev3.port_motor_input(ev3.PORT_A),  # NO
    ev3.LCX(7),  # TYPE (EV3-Large-Motor)
    ev3.LCX(0),  # MODE (Degree)
    ev3.LCX(1),  # VALUES
    ev3.GVX(0),  # VALUE1
    ev3.LCX(0),  # LAYER
    ev3.port_motor_input(ev3.PORT_D),  # NO
    ev3.LCX(7),  # TYPE
    ev3.LCX(0),  # MODE
    ev3.LCX(1),  # VALUES
    ev3.GVX(4)  # VALUE1
reply = my_ev3.send_direct_cmd(ops, global_mem=8)
pos_a, pos_d = struct.unpack('<fi', reply)
    "positions in degrees (ports A and D): {} and {}".format(

Section 5 Device type list in EV3 Firmware Developer Kit lists the sensors of the EV3 device. If you want to read the positions of large motors in degrees, you will set TYPE=7 and MODE=0. We read one value from each.

For demonstration pupose only, we use two different CMDs, READY_SI and READY_RAW. Both of them read the current position of a motor, but the first writes floating point data, the second integer data. We use 8 bytes of global memory. The first 4 bytes hold the position of motor A as a floating point number. The next 4 bytes hold the position of motor D as an integer. Module struct is the tool of choice to translate the packed binary little endian data into a float and an int.

Moving motors

A number of operations is used for motor movements.

Exact movements, blocking the EV3 brick

Exact and smooth movements of a mootor are our first theme. We start with using four operations:

opOutput_Reset = 0x|A2|


  • (Data8) LAYER: chain layer number
  • (Data8) NOS: port number (or a combination of port numbers)

The EV3 brick tracks exact movements and does some corrections of overshooting or manual movements. opOutput_Reset resets these tracking informations. It does not clear the counter.

opOutput_Step_Speed = 0x|AE|


  • (Data8) LAYER: chain layer number
  • (Data8) NOS: port number (or a combination of port numbers)
  • (Data8) SPEED: direction (sign) and speed of movement [-100, 100]
  • (Data32) STEP1: length of acceleration
  • (Data32) STEP2: length of constant speed movement
  • (Data32) STEP3: length of deceleration
  • (Data8) BRAKE: flag if ending with floating motor or active break [0: Float, 1: Break]

This operation defines a smooth and exact movement of one or multiple motors. Dependent from the mode, STEP1, STEP2 and STEP3 are in degrees (default) or rotations.

opOutput_Ready = 0x|AA|


  • (Data8) LAYER: chain layer number
  • (Data8) NOS: port number (or a combination of port numbers)

Starts the movement and waits until the movement has finished.

opOutput_Stop = 0x|A3|


  • (Data8) LAYER: chain layer number
  • (Data8) NOS: port number (or a combination of port numbers)
  • (Data8) BRAKE: flag if ending with floating motor or active break [0: Float, 1: Break]

Stops the current movement of one or multiple motors.

Connect your EV3 medium motor with port B, connect your computer via Bluetooth with your EV3 brick, replace MAC-address with the one of your EV3 brick, then run this program:

import ev3_dc as ev3
from time import sleep

my_ev3 = ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.BLUETOOTH, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99')
my_ev3.verbosity = 1

jukebox = ev3.Jukebox(ev3_obj=my_ev3)

def reset():
    ops = b''.join((
        ev3.LCX(0),  # LAYER
        ev3.LCX(ev3.PORT_B)  # NOS
    my_ev3.send_direct_cmd(ops, sync_mode=ev3.SYNC)

def step_speed(speed: int):
    ops_step_speed = b''.join((
        ev3.LCX(0),  # LAYER
        ev3.LCX(ev3.PORT_B),  # NOS
        ev3.LCX(speed),  # SPEED
        ev3.LCX(15),  # STEP1
        ev3.LCX(60),  # STEP2
        ev3.LCX(15),  # STEP3
        ev3.LCX(1)  # BRAKE - yes
    ops_ready = b''.join((
        ev3.LCX(0),  # LAYER
        ev3.LCX(ev3.PORT_B)  # NOS
    my_ev3.send_direct_cmd(ops_step_speed + ops_ready, sync_mode=ev3.SYNC)

def stop():
    ops = b''.join((
        ev3.LCX(0),  # LAYER
        ev3.LCX(ev3.PORT_B),  # NOS
        ev3.LCX(0)  # BRAKE - no

speed = 5

for i in range(5):


Some remarks:

  • Function reset() resets the tracking information of the motor at port B.
  • Function step_speed() does a 90 ° smooth movement of the motor at port B. Dependent from the sign of SPEED the movement is forwards or backwards. The three numbers STEP1, STEP2 and STEP3 define the lengths of the acceleration, the constant speed and the deceleration phase, all of them in degrees. The movement ends with an active break, which holds the motor in a defined position. It waits until the movement has finished.
  • Function stop() releases the brake. This is done 0.2 sec. after the last movement has finished.
  • There are 10 slow and smooth movements of the motor, 5 times forwards and backwards. If you fix an infrared sensor on top of the shaft, this looks like headshaking. Changing the speed will change the character of the headshaking.
  • Setting sync_mode=SYNC allows to get the reply just when the movement has finished.
  • The program plays the song Frère Jacques parallel to the motor movement.
  • Using two classes EV3 and Jukebox is not necessary. Jukebox as a subclass of EV3 would have done the job alone. But this example demonstrates, how specialized subclasses of EV3 can handle specific tasks, like Jukebox handles sound. And multiple subclasses of EV3 can work together.

The output:

11:52:26.168681 Sent 0x|08:00|2A:00|00|00:00|A2:00:02|
11:52:26.247070 Recv 0x|03:00|2A:00|02|
11:52:26.248399 Sent 0x|11:00|2D:00|00|00:00|AE:00:02:05:0F:81:3C:0F:01:AA:00:02|
11:52:27.402000 Recv 0x|03:00|2D:00|02|
11:52:27.403093 Sent 0x|11:00|2F:00|00|00:00|AE:00:02:3B:0F:81:3C:0F:01:AA:00:02|
11:52:28.578030 Recv 0x|03:00|2F:00|02|
11:52:28.578578 Sent 0x|11:00|30:00|00|00:00|AE:00:02:05:0F:81:3C:0F:01:AA:00:02|
11:52:29.735028 Recv 0x|03:00|30:00|02|
11:52:29.736302 Sent 0x|11:00|33:00|00|00:00|AE:00:02:3B:0F:81:3C:0F:01:AA:00:02|
11:52:30.929957 Recv 0x|03:00|33:00|02|
11:52:30.930941 Sent 0x|11:00|35:00|00|00:00|AE:00:02:05:0F:81:3C:0F:01:AA:00:02|
11:52:32.089839 Recv 0x|03:00|35:00|02|
11:52:32.091088 Sent 0x|11:00|38:00|00|00:00|AE:00:02:3B:0F:81:3C:0F:01:AA:00:02|
11:52:33.220884 Recv 0x|03:00|38:00|02|
11:52:33.221437 Sent 0x|11:00|39:00|00|00:00|AE:00:02:05:0F:81:3C:0F:01:AA:00:02|
11:52:34.366040 Recv 0x|03:00|39:00|02|
11:52:34.367271 Sent 0x|11:00|3C:00|00|00:00|AE:00:02:3B:0F:81:3C:0F:01:AA:00:02|
11:52:35.536879 Recv 0x|03:00|3C:00|02|
11:52:35.537949 Sent 0x|11:00|3E:00|00|00:00|AE:00:02:05:0F:81:3C:0F:01:AA:00:02|
11:52:36.735035 Recv 0x|03:00|3E:00|02|
11:52:36.735600 Sent 0x|11:00|3F:00|00|00:00|AE:00:02:3B:0F:81:3C:0F:01:AA:00:02|
11:52:37.870978 Recv 0x|03:00|3F:00|02|
11:52:38.071796 Sent 0x|09:00|43:00|80|00:00|A3:00:02:00|

The movement of the motor is the expected, but the song is not! The movements last more than a second each and for this timespan, the EV3 brick is blocked because operation opOutput_Ready lets the EV3 brick wait. If you look at the message counters, you find some gaps, where direct commands of the sond were sent.

What we heave learned: If the timing is done in the direct command, this limits parallel execution.

Exact Movements, not blocking

We modify the program and replace opOutput_Ready by opOutput_Start. While the movement takes place, we ask frequently if it still is in progress or has finished (done by opOutput_Test). This means more data traffic, but none of the requests will block the EV3 brick. We use these new operations:

opOutput_Start = 0x|A6|


  • (Data8) LAYER: chain layer number
  • (Data8) NOS: port number (or a combination of port numbers)

Starts the movement and does not wait until the movement has finished.

opOutput_Test = 0x|A9|


  • (Data8) LAYER: chain layer number
  • (Data8) NOS: port number (or a combination of port numbers)


  • (Data8) BUSY: flag if motor is busy [0 = Ready, 1 = Busy]

Tests if a motor is currently busy.

Connect your EV3 medium motor with port B, connect your computer via Bluetooth with your EV3 brick, replace MAC-address with the one of your EV3 brick, then run this program:

import ev3_dc as ev3
import struct
from time import sleep

my_ev3 = ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.BLUETOOTH, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99')
my_ev3.verbosity = 1

jukebox = ev3.Jukebox(ev3_obj=my_ev3)

def reset():
    ops = b''.join((
        ev3.LCX(0),  # LAYER
        ev3.LCX(ev3.PORT_B)  # NOS
    my_ev3.send_direct_cmd(ops, sync_mode=ev3.SYNC)

def step_speed(speed: int):
    ops_step_speed = b''.join((
        ev3.LCX(0),  # LAYER
        ev3.LCX(ev3.PORT_B),  # NOS
        ev3.LCX(speed),  # SPEED
        ev3.LCX(15),  # STEP1
        ev3.LCX(60),  # STEP2
        ev3.LCX(15),  # STEP3
        ev3.LCX(1)  # BRAKE - yes
    ops_start = b''.join((
        ev3.LCX(0),  # LAYER
        ev3.LCX(ev3.PORT_B)  # NOS
    my_ev3.send_direct_cmd(ops_step_speed + ops_start)

def test():
    ops = b''.join((
        ev3.LCX(0),  # LAYER
        ev3.LCX(ev3.PORT_B),  # NOS
        ev3.GVX(0)  # BUSY
    reply = my_ev3.send_direct_cmd(ops, global_mem=4)
    return struct.unpack('<i', reply)[0]

def stop():
    ops = b''.join((
        ev3.LCX(0),  # LAYER
        ev3.LCX(ev3.PORT_B),  # NOS
        ev3.LCX(0)  # BRAKE - no

speed = 5

for i in range(5):
    while test():

    while test():


Some remarks:

  • opOutput_Ready has been replaced by opOutput_Start. This starts the movement, but does not wait for its end.
  • Instead of waiting, this program uses opOutput_Test to ask frequently, if the movement is still in progress.
  • If still your song is not played correctly, use protocols USB or WiFi instead of Bluetooth, because these are faster and speed helps to prevent conflicts.

The output:

12:21:08.851739 Sent 0x|08:00|2A:00|00|00:00|A2:00:02|
12:21:08.903092 Recv 0x|03:00|2A:00|02|
12:21:08.904440 Sent 0x|11:00|2D:00|80|00:00|AE:00:02:05:0F:81:3C:0F:01:A6:00:02|
12:21:09.105336 Sent 0x|09:00|2E:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:09.174974 Recv 0x|04:00|2E:00|02|01|
12:21:09.375951 Sent 0x|09:00|2F:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:09.444917 Recv 0x|04:00|2F:00|02|01|
12:21:09.645735 Sent 0x|09:00|31:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:09.715081 Recv 0x|04:00|31:00|02|01|
12:21:09.916029 Sent 0x|09:00|32:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:09.991093 Recv 0x|04:00|32:00|02|01|
12:21:10.191946 Sent 0x|09:00|34:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:10.262916 Recv 0x|04:00|34:00|02|00|
12:21:10.263476 Sent 0x|11:00|35:00|80|00:00|AE:00:02:3B:0F:81:3C:0F:01:A6:00:02|
12:21:10.464500 Sent 0x|09:00|36:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:10.535111 Recv 0x|04:00|36:00|02|01|
12:21:10.736109 Sent 0x|09:00|38:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:10.777892 Recv 0x|04:00|38:00|02|01|
12:21:10.978716 Sent 0x|09:00|39:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:11.044970 Recv 0x|04:00|39:00|02|01|
12:21:11.245923 Sent 0x|09:00|3A:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:11.303016 Recv 0x|04:00|3A:00|02|01|
12:21:11.504236 Sent 0x|09:00|3D:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:11.575097 Recv 0x|04:00|3D:00|02|00|
12:21:11.575639 Sent 0x|11:00|3E:00|80|00:00|AE:00:02:05:0F:81:3C:0F:01:A6:00:02|
12:21:11.776573 Sent 0x|09:00|3F:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:11.842046 Recv 0x|04:00|3F:00|02|01|
12:21:12.043106 Sent 0x|09:00|41:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:12.112103 Recv 0x|04:00|41:00|02|01|
12:21:12.313026 Sent 0x|09:00|42:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:12.375051 Recv 0x|04:00|42:00|02|01|
12:21:12.575968 Sent 0x|09:00|44:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:12.637077 Recv 0x|04:00|44:00|02|01|
12:21:12.838115 Sent 0x|09:00|45:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:12.908110 Recv 0x|04:00|45:00|02|00|
12:21:12.908696 Sent 0x|11:00|46:00|80|00:00|AE:00:02:3B:0F:81:3C:0F:01:A6:00:02|
12:21:13.109496 Sent 0x|09:00|48:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:13.121873 Recv 0x|04:00|48:00|02|01|
12:21:13.322848 Sent 0x|09:00|49:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:13.402117 Recv 0x|04:00|49:00|02|01|
12:21:13.603152 Sent 0x|09:00|4A:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:13.657882 Recv 0x|04:00|4A:00|02|01|
12:21:13.858904 Sent 0x|09:00|4D:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:13.899888 Recv 0x|04:00|4D:00|02|01|
12:21:14.100762 Sent 0x|09:00|4E:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:14.144913 Recv 0x|04:00|4E:00|02|00|
12:21:14.145297 Sent 0x|11:00|4F:00|80|00:00|AE:00:02:05:0F:81:3C:0F:01:A6:00:02|
12:21:14.346331 Sent 0x|09:00|51:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:14.389892 Recv 0x|04:00|51:00|02|01|
12:21:14.590822 Sent 0x|09:00|52:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:14.657997 Recv 0x|04:00|52:00|02|01|
12:21:14.858864 Sent 0x|09:00|54:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:14.944139 Recv 0x|04:00|54:00|02|01|
12:21:15.145073 Sent 0x|09:00|55:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:15.206087 Recv 0x|04:00|55:00|02|01|
12:21:15.407067 Sent 0x|09:00|56:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:15.476913 Recv 0x|04:00|56:00|02|00|
12:21:15.477296 Sent 0x|11:00|57:00|80|00:00|AE:00:02:3B:0F:81:3C:0F:01:A6:00:02|
12:21:15.678152 Sent 0x|09:00|58:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:15.746237 Recv 0x|04:00|58:00|02|01|
12:21:15.947113 Sent 0x|09:00|59:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:16.008946 Recv 0x|04:00|59:00|02|01|
12:21:16.209772 Sent 0x|09:00|5C:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:16.286122 Recv 0x|04:00|5C:00|02|01|
12:21:16.488816 Sent 0x|09:00|5D:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:16.611171 Recv 0x|04:00|5D:00|02|01|
12:21:16.812098 Sent 0x|09:00|5F:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:16.895091 Recv 0x|04:00|5F:00|02|00|
12:21:16.895637 Sent 0x|11:00|60:00|80|00:00|AE:00:02:05:0F:81:3C:0F:01:A6:00:02|
12:21:17.096654 Sent 0x|09:00|61:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:17.138906 Recv 0x|04:00|61:00|02|01|
12:21:17.339764 Sent 0x|09:00|63:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:17.400990 Recv 0x|04:00|63:00|02|01|
12:21:17.601883 Sent 0x|09:00|64:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:17.638926 Recv 0x|04:00|64:00|02|01|
12:21:17.839940 Sent 0x|09:00|65:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:17.910139 Recv 0x|04:00|65:00|02|01|
12:21:18.111050 Sent 0x|09:00|66:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:18.176911 Recv 0x|04:00|66:00|02|00|
12:21:18.177386 Sent 0x|11:00|67:00|80|00:00|AE:00:02:3B:0F:81:3C:0F:01:A6:00:02|
12:21:18.378438 Sent 0x|09:00|68:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:18.454102 Recv 0x|04:00|68:00|02|01|
12:21:18.655531 Sent 0x|09:00|6B:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:18.699933 Recv 0x|04:00|6B:00|02|01|
12:21:18.900855 Sent 0x|09:00|6C:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:18.956985 Recv 0x|04:00|6C:00|02|01|
12:21:19.158315 Sent 0x|09:00|6F:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:19.205918 Recv 0x|04:00|6F:00|02|01|
12:21:19.406850 Sent 0x|09:00|71:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:19.455956 Recv 0x|04:00|71:00|02|00|
12:21:19.456500 Sent 0x|11:00|72:00|80|00:00|AE:00:02:05:0F:81:3C:0F:01:A6:00:02|
12:21:19.657513 Sent 0x|09:00|73:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:19.722027 Recv 0x|04:00|73:00|02|01|
12:21:19.923390 Sent 0x|09:00|75:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:19.961935 Recv 0x|04:00|75:00|02|01|
12:21:20.162824 Sent 0x|09:00|76:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:20.234139 Recv 0x|04:00|76:00|02|01|
12:21:20.435034 Sent 0x|09:00|78:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:20.480964 Recv 0x|04:00|78:00|02|01|
12:21:20.681819 Sent 0x|09:00|79:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:20.735111 Recv 0x|04:00|79:00|02|00|
12:21:20.735661 Sent 0x|11:00|7A:00|80|00:00|AE:00:02:3B:0F:81:3C:0F:01:A6:00:02|
12:21:20.936434 Sent 0x|09:00|7D:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:20.985048 Recv 0x|04:00|7D:00|02|01|
12:21:21.185991 Sent 0x|09:00|7E:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:21.255167 Recv 0x|04:00|7E:00|02|01|
12:21:21.456068 Sent 0x|09:00|80:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:21.519136 Recv 0x|04:00|80:00|02|01|
12:21:21.720515 Sent 0x|09:00|82:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:21.780126 Recv 0x|04:00|82:00|02|01|
12:21:21.981291 Sent 0x|09:00|84:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:21:22.033996 Recv 0x|04:00|84:00|02|00|
12:21:22.235006 Sent 0x|09:00|86:00|80|00:00|A3:00:02:00|

Some remarks:

  • Much more data traffic, but smooth and correct execution of movements, tones and LED lights.
  • All these direct commands block the EV3 brick only for a very short timespan, short enough to be not recognized.
  • As before, the message counters show gaps, where the direct commands of the song have been sent. But now, they were sent with a correct timing.

You can easily imagine, how adding some more motors or sensors will complicate the code. Therefore it’s good practice to separate the tasks. Here the song has been separated as a thread task object and we didn’t care about its internals.

Exact Movements as a Thread Task

We modify this program once more and create a thread task object for both, the motor movement and the song, which can be started and stopped. Encapsulating activities into thread task objects helps to code applications of more and more parallel actions.

Connect your EV3 medium motor with port B, connect your computer via Bluetooth with your EV3 brick, replace MAC-address with the one of your EV3 brick, then run this program:

import ev3_dc as ev3
import struct
from thread_task import Task, Periodic, Repeated, Sleep
from time import sleep

my_ev3 = ev3.EV3(protocol=ev3.BLUETOOTH, host='00:16:53:42:2B:99')
my_ev3.verbosity = 1

jukebox = ev3.Jukebox(ev3_obj=my_ev3)

def reset():
            ev3.LCX(0),  # LAYER
            ev3.LCX(ev3.PORT_B)  # NOS

def step_speed(speed: int):
            ev3.LCX(0),  # LAYER
            ev3.LCX(ev3.PORT_B),  # NOS
            ev3.LCX(speed),  # SPEED
            ev3.LCX(15),  # STEP1
            ev3.LCX(60),  # STEP2
            ev3.LCX(15),  # STEP3
            ev3.LCX(1),  # BRAKE - yes
            ev3.LCX(0),  # LAYER
            ev3.LCX(ev3.PORT_B)  # NOS

def test():
    ops = b''.join((
        ev3.LCX(0),  # LAYER
        ev3.LCX(ev3.PORT_B),  # NOS
        ev3.GVX(0)  # BUSY
    reply = my_ev3.send_direct_cmd(ops, global_mem=1)
    busy = struct.unpack('<b', reply)[0]
    return False if busy else True

def stop():
            ev3.LCX(0),  # LAYER
            ev3.LCX(ev3.PORT_B),  # NOS
            ev3.LCX(0)  # BRAKE - no

speed = 5

t_song = jukebox.song(ev3.FRERE_JACQUES)

t_forwards = (
    Task(step_speed, args=(speed,), duration=.2) +
    Periodic(.2, test)
t_forwards.action_stop = stop

t_backwards = (
    Task(step_speed, args=(-speed,), duration=.2) +
    Periodic(.2, test)

t = (
    Task(t_song.start) +
    Task(reset) +
        t_forwards + t_backwards,
    ) +
    Sleep(.2) +



Some remarks:

  • periodic ends, when its action returns True. This is why function test() returns the opposite of the expected.
  • Nearly all of the program is about creating t as a thread task object. Its execution is only the few lines at the end. You can easily imagine to hide the creation behind the public API of a class.
  • The parallel execution of motor movements and playing a song is handled inside of t.
  • Stopping is quite easy. The logic, how to stop the activities is hidden insite the thread task.
  • This thread task is not perfect because its continuation logic is not proper coded.

The output:

12:48:40.569302 Sent 0x|08:00|2A:00|00|00:00|A2:00:02|
12:48:40.648679 Recv 0x|03:00|2A:00|02|
12:48:40.649948 Sent 0x|11:00|2D:00|80|00:00|AE:00:02:05:0F:81:3C:0F:01:A6:00:02|
12:48:40.849774 Sent 0x|09:00|2E:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:40.896519 Recv 0x|04:00|2E:00|02|01|
12:48:41.050036 Sent 0x|09:00|2F:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:41.098628 Recv 0x|04:00|2F:00|02|01|
12:48:41.250406 Sent 0x|09:00|31:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:41.318686 Recv 0x|04:00|31:00|02|01|
12:48:41.450778 Sent 0x|09:00|32:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:41.494671 Recv 0x|04:00|32:00|02|01|
12:48:41.651188 Sent 0x|09:00|33:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:41.703649 Recv 0x|04:00|33:00|02|01|
12:48:41.851603 Sent 0x|09:00|35:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:41.943683 Recv 0x|04:00|35:00|02|00|
12:48:41.944486 Sent 0x|11:00|36:00|80|00:00|AE:00:02:3B:0F:81:3C:0F:01:A6:00:02|
12:48:42.144719 Sent 0x|09:00|37:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:42.211513 Recv 0x|04:00|37:00|02|01|
12:48:42.344999 Sent 0x|09:00|38:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:42.385481 Recv 0x|04:00|38:00|02|01|
12:48:42.545455 Sent 0x|09:00|3A:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:42.598677 Recv 0x|04:00|3A:00|02|01|
12:48:42.745691 Sent 0x|09:00|3B:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:42.799659 Recv 0x|04:00|3B:00|02|01|
12:48:42.946066 Sent 0x|09:00|3C:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:43.031706 Recv 0x|04:00|3C:00|02|01|
12:48:43.146600 Sent 0x|09:00|3F:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:43.207665 Recv 0x|04:00|3F:00|02|00|
12:48:43.208658 Sent 0x|11:00|40:00|80|00:00|AE:00:02:05:0F:81:3C:0F:01:A6:00:02|
12:48:43.409048 Sent 0x|09:00|41:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:43.482677 Recv 0x|04:00|41:00|02|01|
12:48:43.609350 Sent 0x|09:00|43:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:43.659614 Recv 0x|04:00|43:00|02|01|
12:48:43.809783 Sent 0x|09:00|44:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:43.867547 Recv 0x|04:00|44:00|02|01|
12:48:44.009999 Sent 0x|09:00|45:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:44.067605 Recv 0x|04:00|45:00|02|01|
12:48:44.210310 Sent 0x|09:00|47:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:44.295689 Recv 0x|04:00|47:00|02|01|
12:48:44.410610 Sent 0x|09:00|48:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:44.472626 Recv 0x|04:00|48:00|02|00|
12:48:44.473215 Sent 0x|11:00|49:00|80|00:00|AE:00:02:3B:0F:81:3C:0F:01:A6:00:02|
12:48:44.673718 Sent 0x|09:00|4A:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:44.773517 Recv 0x|04:00|4A:00|02|01|
12:48:44.874162 Sent 0x|09:00|4C:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:44.950694 Recv 0x|04:00|4C:00|02|01|
12:48:45.074450 Sent 0x|09:00|4D:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:45.124658 Recv 0x|04:00|4D:00|02|01|
12:48:45.274793 Sent 0x|09:00|4E:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:45.322584 Recv 0x|04:00|4E:00|02|01|
12:48:45.475099 Sent 0x|09:00|51:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:45.528592 Recv 0x|04:00|51:00|02|01|
12:48:45.675549 Sent 0x|09:00|52:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:45.732762 Recv 0x|04:00|52:00|02|00|
12:48:45.733656 Sent 0x|11:00|53:00|80|00:00|AE:00:02:05:0F:81:3C:0F:01:A6:00:02|
12:48:45.934072 Sent 0x|09:00|54:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:45.985610 Recv 0x|04:00|54:00|02|01|
12:48:46.134651 Sent 0x|09:00|56:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:46.183608 Recv 0x|04:00|56:00|02|01|
12:48:46.334950 Sent 0x|09:00|57:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:46.399693 Recv 0x|04:00|57:00|02|01|
12:48:46.535293 Sent 0x|09:00|58:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:46.579582 Recv 0x|04:00|58:00|02|01|
12:48:46.735896 Sent 0x|09:00|5A:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:46.788654 Recv 0x|04:00|5A:00|02|01|
12:48:46.936190 Sent 0x|09:00|5B:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:46.992702 Recv 0x|04:00|5B:00|02|00|
12:48:46.993371 Sent 0x|11:00|5C:00|80|00:00|AE:00:02:3B:0F:81:3C:0F:01:A6:00:02|
12:48:47.193783 Sent 0x|09:00|5D:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:47.263712 Recv 0x|04:00|5D:00|02|01|
12:48:47.394209 Sent 0x|09:00|5E:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:47.439528 Recv 0x|04:00|5E:00|02|01|
12:48:47.594571 Sent 0x|09:00|5F:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:47.652589 Recv 0x|04:00|5F:00|02|01|
12:48:47.794863 Sent 0x|09:00|62:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:47.874742 Recv 0x|04:00|62:00|02|01|
12:48:47.995327 Sent 0x|09:00|63:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:48.067742 Recv 0x|04:00|63:00|02|01|
12:48:48.195556 Sent 0x|09:00|64:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:48.242525 Recv 0x|04:00|64:00|02|00|
12:48:48.243357 Sent 0x|11:00|65:00|80|00:00|AE:00:02:05:0F:81:3C:0F:01:A6:00:02|
12:48:48.443723 Sent 0x|09:00|67:00|00|01:00|A9:00:02:60|
12:48:48.498720 Recv 0x|04:00|67:00|02|01|
12:48:48.578092 Sent 0x|09:00|6A:00|80|00:00|A3:00:02:00|

Some remarks:

  • Until the interruption, the direct commands were the same as before.
  • The stopping occured during the seventh movement.
  • The last direct command stopped the motor. This is what t_forwards.action_stop = stop meant.

Moving a motor to a Specified Position

Connect your EV3 medium motor with port B, connect your computer and your EV3 brick with an USB cable, replace MAC-address 00:16:53:42:2B:99 with the one of your EV3 brick, then run this program:

import ev3_dc as ev3
import struct
from math import copysign

my_ev3 = ev3.EV3(
my_ev3.verbosity = 1

speed = 10
to_position = 90
port = ev3.PORT_B
brake = 0

ops1 = b''.join((
    ev3.LCX(0),  # LAYER
    ev3.port_motor_input(port),  # NO
    ev3.LCX(8),  # TYPE (EV3-Medium-Motor)
    ev3.LCX(0),  # MODE (Degree)
    ev3.LCX(1),  # VALUES
    ev3.GVX(0)  # VALUE1
reply = my_ev3.send_direct_cmd(ops1, global_mem=4)
from_position = struct.unpack('<f', reply)[0]

diff = to_position - round(from_position)
speed *= round(copysign(1, diff))
steps = abs(diff)

ops2 = b''.join((
    ev3.LCX(0),  # LAYER
    ev3.LCX(port),  # NOS

    ev3.LCX(0),  # LAYER
    ev3.LCX(port),  # NOS
    ev3.LCX(speed),  # SPEED
    ev3.LCX(0),  # STEP1
    ev3.LCX(steps),  # STEP2
    ev3.LCX(0),  # STEP3
    ev3.LCX(brake),  # BRAKE - 1 (yes) or 0 (no)

    ev3.LCX(0),  # LAYER
    ev3.LCX(port)  # NOS

Please move the motor by hand and then run the program again. The motor will return to the defined position of 90 degrees. We use 4 already known operations and it’s obvious, that this algorithm can easily be encapsulated into a method of a motor class.

The output:

13:19:05.149392 Sent 0x|0D:00|2A:00|00|04:00|99:1D:00:11:07:00:01:60|
13:19:05.155311 Recv 0x|07:00|2A:00|02|00:00:04:C2|
13:19:05.155969 Sent 0x|14:00|2B:00|00|00:00|A2:00:02:AE:00:02:0A:00:81:7B:00:00:A6:00:02|
13:19:05.161331 Recv 0x|03:00|2B:00|02|
Direct Commands are Machine Code Programs

There are operations for calculations and much more. Direct commands are little machine code programs. Let’s write a single direct command, that does the same thing.

import ev3_dc as ev3

my_ev3 = ev3.EV3(
my_ev3.verbosity = 1

speed = 10
to_position = 90
port = ev3.PORT_B
brake = 0

ops = b''.join((
    ev3.LCX(0),  # LAYER
    ev3.port_motor_input(port),  # NO
    ev3.LCX(8),  # TYPE (EV3-Medium-Motor)
    ev3.LCX(0),  # MODE (Degree)
    ev3.LCX(1),  # VALUES
    ev3.LVX(0),  # VALUE1 - from_position (DATAF)

    ev3.LCX(to_position),  # SOURCE
    ev3.LVX(4),  # DESTINATION - to_position (DATAF)

    ev3.LVX(4),  # SOURCE1 - to_position (DATAF)
    ev3.LVX(0),  # SOURCE2 - from_position (DATAF)
    ev3.LVX(0),  # DESTINATION - diff (DATAF)

    ev3.ABS,  # CMD
    ev3.LVX(0),  # DATA X - diff (DATAF)
    ev3.LVX(4),  # RESULT - abs(diff) (DATAF)

    ev3.LVX(0),  # SOURCE1 - diff (DATAF)
    ev3.LVX(4),  # SOURCE2 - abs(diff) (DATAF)
    ev3.LVX(0),  # DESTINATION - sign of diff (DATAF)

    ev3.LCX(speed),  # SOURCE
    ev3.LVX(8),  # DESTINATION - speed (DATAF)

    ev3.LVX(0),  # SOURCE1 - sign of diff (DATAF)
    ev3.LVX(8),  # SOURCE2 - speed (DATAF)
    ev3.LVX(0),  # DESTINATION - signed_speed (DATAF)

    ev3.LVX(4),  # SOURCE - abs(diff) (DATAF)
    ev3.LVX(4),  # DESTINATION - abs(diff) (DATA32)

    ev3.LVX(0),  # SOURCE - signed_speed (DATAF)
    ev3.LVX(0),  # DESTINATION - signed_speed (DATA8)

    ev3.LCX(0),  # LAYER
    ev3.LCX(port),  # NOS

    ev3.LCX(0),  # LAYER
    ev3.LCX(port),  # NOS
    ev3.LVX(0),  # SPEED - signed_speed (DATA8)
    ev3.LCX(0),  # STEP1
    ev3.LVX(4),  # STEP2 - abs(diff) (DATA32)
    ev3.LCX(0),  # STEP3
    ev3.LCX(brake),  # BRAKE - 1 (yes) or 0 (no)

    ev3.LCX(0),  # LAYER
    ev3.LCX(port)  # NOS
my_ev3.send_direct_cmd(ops, local_mem=12)

Some remarks:

  • This direct command allocates 12 bytes of local memory for its intermediate results. Most of these are 4-bytes-numbers, therefore the referenced addresses are LVX(0), LVX(4) and LVX(8).
  • We need to be carefull with the data formats, here we use numbers in three formats:
    • DATA8 (1 byte integer),
    • DATA32 (4 bytes integer) and
    • DATAF (4 bytes floating point).
  • We have to translate some of the formats:
    • opMove32_F translates a 4 bytes integer into a floating point number,
    • opMoveF_32 does the opposite,
    • opMoveF_8 translates a floating point number into a 1 byte integer.
  • We do the calculations with floating point numbers and use:
    • opDivF for division,
    • opMulF for multiplication and
    • opMath with CMD ABS to get the absolute value of a floating point number.

That’s machine code, welcome to the sixties! Think a minute about coding complex algorithms this way and realize what the apollo program meant for the software developers in these times. But keep in mind, coding machine code is great for performance. Here the communication is reduced from 2 direct commands to one. In case of protocol USB, this means some 0.05 sec.