Source code for ev3_dc.functions

#!/usr/bin/env python3
LEGO EV3 direct commands - functions

import struct
from time import time
from typing import Callable
from numbers import Number

from .constants import PORT_A, PORT_B, PORT_C, PORT_D

[docs]def LCX(value: int) -> bytes: """ create a LC0, LC1, LC2, LC4, dependent from the value Positional Argument value integer value as argument of a direct command """ assert isinstance(value, int), \ "value needs to be an integer" if -32 <= value < 0: return struct.pack('b', 0x3F & (value + 64)) if 0 <= value < 32: return struct.pack('b', value) if -127 <= value <= 127: return b'\x81' + struct.pack('<b', value) if -32767 <= value <= 32767: return b'\x82' + struct.pack('<h', value) return b'\x83' + struct.pack('<i', value)
[docs]def LCS(value: str) -> bytes: """ pack a string into a LCS by adding a leading and a trailing byte Positional Argument value string as argument of a direct command """ assert isinstance(value, str), \ "value needs to be an string" return b'\x84' + str.encode(value) + b'\x00'
[docs]def LVX(value: int) -> bytes: """ create a LV0, LV1, LV2, LV4, dependent from the value Positional Argument value position (bytes address) in the local memory """ assert isinstance(value, int), \ "value needs to be an integer" assert value >= 0, 'No negative values allowed' if value < 32: return struct.pack('b', 0x40 | value) if value < 256: return b'\xc1' + struct.pack('<b', value) if value < 65536: return b'\xc2' + struct.pack('<h', value) return b'\xc3' + struct.pack('<i', value)
[docs]def GVX(value: int) -> bytes: """ create a GV0, GV1, GV2, GV4, dependent from the value Positional Argument value position (bytes address) in the global memory """ assert isinstance(value, int), \ "value needs to be an integer" assert value >= 0, 'No negative values allowed' if value < 32: return struct.pack('<b', 0x60 | value) if value < 256: return b'\xe1' + struct.pack('<b', value) if value < 65536: return b'\xe2' + struct.pack('<h', value) return b'\xe3' + struct.pack('<i', value)
[docs]def port_motor_input(port_output: int) -> bytes: """ get corresponding input motor port (from output motor port) Positional Argument port_output motor port number """ assert isinstance(port_output, int), \ "port_output needs to be an integer" assert port_output in (PORT_A, PORT_B, PORT_C, PORT_D), \ "port_output needs to be one of the numbers 1, 2, 4, 8" if port_output == PORT_A: return LCX(16) if port_output == PORT_B: return LCX(17) if port_output == PORT_C: return LCX(18) return LCX(19)
[docs]def pid( setpoint: float, gain: float, *, time_int: float = None, time_der: float = None ) -> Callable: """ Parametrize a new PID controller (standard form) A PID controller derives a control signal from a measurement value Mandatory positional arguments setpoint target value of the measurement gain proportional gain, high values result in fast adaption, but too high values produce oscillations or instabilities Optional keyword only arguments time_int time of the integrative term [s] (approx. the time for elimination), compensates errors from the past (e.g. steady-state error) small values produce oscillations or instabilities and increase settling time time_der time of the derivative term [s] (approx. the forecast time), damps oszillations, decreases overshooting and reduces settling time but reacts sensitive on noise Returns function signal(value: float) -> float """ assert isinstance(setpoint, Number), \ 'setpoint must be a number' assert isinstance(gain, Number) and gain > 0, \ 'gain must be a positive number' assert ( time_int is None or isinstance(time_int, Number) and time_int >= 0 ), 'time_int must be a positive number' assert isinstance(time_der, Number) and time_der >= 0, \ 'time_der must be a positive number' error_pre = None time_pre = None integral = None def signal(value: float) -> float: """ calculates the control signal from the actually measured value Mandatory positional arguments value actually measured value (will be compared to setpoint) Returns control signal, which regulates the process """ assert isinstance(value, Number), 'value must be a number' nonlocal error_pre, time_pre, integral if time_int is None and time_der is None: # P-controller (proportional term only) return gain * (setpoint - value) if time_pre is None: # first call time_pre = time() integral = 0 error_pre = (setpoint - value) return gain * (setpoint - value) now = time() delta_time = now - time_pre time_pre = now error = (setpoint - value) if time_der is None: # PI-controller (no derivative term) integral += delta_time * error return gain * (error + integral / time_int) if time_int is None: # PD-controller (no integrative term) der = (error - error_pre) / delta_time error_pre = error return gain * (error + der * time_der) # PID-controller (proportional, integrative and derivative term) der = (error - error_pre) / delta_time error_pre = error integral += delta_time * error return gain * (error + integral / time_int + der * time_der) return signal
def corrector( *, actual: float = 0.0, factor: float = 1.0, target: float = 0.0 ) -> Callable: """ Parametrize a new corrector the corrector replaces actual values by target ones. In detail it does: - shift the measured value by actual (value -= actual) - multiply by factor (value *= factor) - shift back by target (value += target) this means, value actual is replaces by value target, other values, which are some distance apart from actual, also are shiftet, but additianally their distance from actual is corrected by factor. Optional keyword only arguments actual initial shift, set it to the measurement value, you are most insterested in factor linear correction of distances from actual target final shift, set it to the value, which you will replace actual with Returns function correct(value: float) -> float """ assert isinstance(actual, Number), \ 'actual must be a number' assert isinstance(factor, Number) and factor != 0, \ 'factor must be a number and may not be zero' assert isinstance(target, Number), \ 'target must be a number' summand = target / factor - actual def correct(value: float) -> float: """ calculates the target value from the actually measured one Mandatory positional arguments value actually measured value (will be compared to setpoint) Returns corrected value """ assert isinstance(value, Number), 'value must be a number' return factor * (value + summand) return correct