Source code for ev3_dc.file

LEGO Mindstorms EV3 direct commands - filesystem

import os
import struct
import hashlib
from ev3_dc import EV3
from .functions import (
from .constants import (
from .exceptions import SysCmdError, DirCmdError

[docs]class FileSystem(EV3): """ Access to EV3's filesystem """ def __str__(self): ''' description of the object in a str context ''' return ' '.join(( 'FileSystem', f'of {super().__str__()}' ))
[docs] def write_file(self, path: str, data: bytes, *, check: bool = True) -> None: """ Create a file in EV3's file system and write data into it Mandatory positional arguments path absolute or relative path (from "/home/root/lms2012/sys/") of the file data data to write into the file Optional keyword only arguments check flag for check if file already exists with identical MD5 checksum """ assert isinstance(path, str), \ 'path needs to be of type str' assert isinstance(data, bytes), \ "data needs to be of type bytes" assert isinstance(check, bool), \ 'check needs to be of type bool' size = len(data) if check: # check if identic file already exists dir_dest = '/'.join(path.split('/')[:-1]) file_dest = path.split('/')[-1] try: folders, files = self.list_dir(dir_dest) except SysCmdError: raise SysCmdError('directory ' + path_dest_dir + ' does not exist') data_md5 = None for curr_name, curr_size, curr_md5 in files: if curr_size == size: if data_md5 is None: data_md5 = hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest().upper() if data_md5 == curr_md5: # identic size and md5 hash return cmd = b''.join(( BEGIN_DOWNLOAD, struct.pack('<I', size), # SIZE str.encode(path) + b'\x00' # NAME )) reply = self.send_system_cmd(cmd) rc, handle = struct.unpack('sB', reply) rest = size if rc != SYSTEM_REPLY_OK: raise SysCmdError( "error " + '{:02X}'.format(rc) + " when writing file " + path ) while rest > 0: part_size = min(1017, rest) pos = size - rest fmt = 'B' + str(part_size) + 's' cmd = b''.join(( CONTINUE_DOWNLOAD, struct.pack( fmt, handle, data[pos:pos+part_size] ) )) reply = self.send_system_cmd(cmd) rc, handle = struct.unpack('sB', reply) rest -= part_size if rest > 0 and rc != SYSTEM_REPLY_OK: raise SysCmdError( "error " + '{:02X}'.format(rc) + " when writing file " + path ) if rest <= 0 and rc != SYSTEM_END_OF_FILE: raise SysCmdError( "end of file " + path + " not reached" )
[docs] def load_file(self, path_source: str, path_dest: str, *, check: bool = True) -> None: """ Copy a local file to EV3's file system Mandatory positional arguments path_source absolute or relative path of the existing file in the local file system path_dest absolute or relative path (from "/home/root/lms2012/sys/") in EV3's file system Optional keyword only aguments check flag for check if file already exists with identical MD5 checksum """ assert isinstance(path_source, str), \ 'path_source needs to be of type str' assert isinstance(path_dest, str), \ 'path_dest needs to be of type str' assert isinstance(check, bool), \ 'check needs to be of type bool' # file size size = os.path.getsize(path_source) if check: # check if identic file already exists dir_dest = '/'.join(path_dest.split('/')[:-1]) file_dest = path_dest.split('/')[-1] try: folders, files = self.list_dir(dir_dest) except SysCmdError: raise SysCmdError('directory ' + path_dest_dir + ' does not exist') for curr_name, curr_size, curr_md5 in files: if curr_name == file_dest: if curr_size == size: # identic name and size md5_hash = hashlib.md5() with open(path_source, 'rb') as f: chunk = while chunk: md5_hash.update(chunk) chunk = if md5_hash.hexdigest().upper() == curr_md5: # identic name, size and md5 hash return break # get file handle reply = self.send_system_cmd( b''.join(( BEGIN_DOWNLOAD, struct.pack('<I', size), # SIZE str.encode(path_dest) + b'\x00' # NAME )) ) rc, handle = struct.unpack('sB', reply) if rc != SYSTEM_REPLY_OK: raise SysCmdError( "error " + '{:02X}'.format(rc) + " when writing file " + path ) # open file and copy in parts of 1017 bytes with open(path_source, 'rb') as f: while True: part = if not part: raise SysCmdError( "reached end of file " + path_source ) break fmt = 'B' + str(len(part)) + 's' reply = self.send_system_cmd( b''.join(( CONTINUE_DOWNLOAD, struct.pack( fmt, handle, part ) )) ) rc, handle = struct.unpack('sB', reply) # all done? if rc == SYSTEM_END_OF_FILE: break elif rc != SYSTEM_REPLY_OK: raise SysCmdError( "error " + '{:02X}'.format(rc) + " when writing file " + path_dest )
[docs] def read_file(self, path: str) -> bytes: """ Read one of EV3's files Mandatory positional arguments path absolute or relative path to file (f.i. "/bin/sh") """ assert isinstance(path, str), \ 'path needs to be of type str' cmd = b''.join(( BEGIN_UPLOAD, struct.pack('<H', 1012), # SIZE str.encode(path) + b'\x00' # NAME )) reply = self.send_system_cmd(cmd) size, handle = struct.unpack( '<IB', reply[1:6] ) part_size = min(1012, size) if part_size > 0: fmt = str(part_size) + 's' data = struct.unpack( fmt, reply[6:] )[0] else: data = b'' rest = size - part_size while rest > 0: part_size = min(1016, rest) cmd = b''.join(( CONTINUE_UPLOAD, struct.pack('<BH', handle, part_size) # HANDLE, SIZE )) rc, handle, part = struct.unpack( 'sB' + str(part_size) + 's', self.send_system_cmd(cmd) ) data += part rest -= part_size if rest > 0 and rc != SYSTEM_REPLY_OK: raise SysCmdError( "error " + '{:02X}'.format(rc) + " when reading file " + path ) if rest <= 0 and rc != SYSTEM_END_OF_FILE: raise SysCmdError( "end of file " + path + " not reached" ) return data
[docs] def del_file(self, path: str) -> None: """ Delete a file in EV3's file system Mandatory positional arguments path absolute or relative path (from "/home/root/lms2012/sys/") of the file """ assert isinstance(path, str), \ 'path needs to be of type str' cmd = b''.join(( DELETE_FILE, str.encode(path) + b'\x00' # NAME )) self.send_system_cmd(cmd)
[docs] def copy_file(self, path_source: str, path_dest: str) -> None: """ Copies a file in EV3's file system from its old location to a new one (no error if the file doesn't exist) Mandatory positional arguments path_source absolute or relative path (from "/home/root/lms2012/sys/") of the existing file path_dest absolute or relative path of the new file """ assert isinstance(path_source, str), \ 'path_source needs to be of type str' assert isinstance(path_dest, str), \ 'path_dest needs to be of type str' ops = b''.join(( opFile, MOVE, LCS(path_source), # SOURCE LCS(path_dest) # DESTINATION )) self.send_direct_cmd( ops, sync_mode=SYNC )
[docs] def list_dir(self, path: str) -> dict: """ Read one EV3 directory's content Mandatory positional arguments path absolute or relative path (from "/home/root/lms2012/sys/") to the directory (f.i. "/bin") Returns subfolders tuple of strings (names) files tuple of tuples (name:str, size:int, md5:str) """ assert isinstance(path, str), \ 'path needs to be of type str' cmd = b''.join(( LIST_FILES, struct.pack('<H', 1012), # SIZE str.encode(path) + b'\x00' # NAME )) reply = self.send_system_cmd(cmd) size, handle = struct.unpack('<IB', reply[1:6]) part_size = min(1012, size) if part_size > 0: fmt = str(part_size) + 's' data = struct.unpack(fmt, reply[6:])[0] else: data = b'' rest = size - part_size while rest > 0: part_size = min(1016, rest) cmd = b''.join(( CONTINUE_LIST_FILES, struct.pack('<BH', handle, part_size) # HANDLE, SIZE )) rc, handle, part = struct.unpack( 'sB' + str(part_size) + 's', self.send_system_cmd(cmd) ) data += part rest -= part_size if rest > 0 and rc != SYSTEM_REPLY_OK: raise SysCmdError( "error " + '{:02X}'.format(rc) + " when reading folder " + path ) if rest <= 0 and rc != SYSTEM_END_OF_FILE: raise SysCmdError( "end of folder-data " + path + " not reached" ) folders = [] files = [] for line in data.split(sep=b'\x0A'): if line == b'': pass elif line.endswith(b'\x2F'): folders.append(line.rstrip(b'\x2F').decode("utf8")) else: md5, size_hex, name = line.split(None, 2) size = int(size_hex, 16) files.append(( name.decode("utf8"), size, md5.decode("utf8") )) return tuple(folders), tuple(files)
[docs] def create_dir(self, path: str) -> None: """ Create a directory in EV3's file system Mandatory positional arguments path absolute or relative path (from "/home/root/lms2012/sys/") """ assert isinstance(path, str), \ 'path needs to be of type str' cmd = b''.join(( CREATE_DIR, str.encode(path) + b'\x00' # NAME )) self.send_system_cmd(cmd)
[docs] def del_dir(self, path: str, *, secure: bool = True) -> None: """ Delete a directory in EV3's file system Mandatory positional arguments path absolute or relative path (from "/home/root/lms2012/sys/") Optional keyword only arguments secure flag, if the directory must be empty """ assert isinstance(path, str), \ 'path needs to be of type str' assert isinstance(secure, bool), \ "secure needs to be of type bool" if secure: self.del_file(path) else: if path.endswith("/"): path = path[:-1] parent_path = path.rsplit("/", 1)[0] + "/" folder = path.rsplit("/", 1)[1] ops = b''.join(( opFile, GET_FOLDERS, LCS(parent_path), GVX(0) )) num = struct.unpack( 'B', self.send_direct_cmd( ops, global_mem=1, sync_mode=SYNC ) )[0] found = False for i in range(num): ops = b''.join(( opFile, GET_SUBFOLDER_NAME, LCS(parent_path), LCX(i + 1), # ITEM LCX(64), # LENGTH GVX(0) # NAME )) subdir = struct.unpack( '64s', self.send_direct_cmd( ops, global_mem=64, sync_mode=SYNC ) )[0].split(b'\x00')[0].decode("utf8") if subdir == folder: found = True ops = b''.join(( opFile, DEL_SUBFOLDER, LCS(parent_path), # NAME LCX(i + 1) # ITEM )) self.send_direct_cmd( ops, sync_mode=SYNC ) break if not found: raise DirCmdError("Folder " + path + " doesn't exist")